A whole new adventure...

An expression of my thoughts and feelings on my OT journey, both personal and professsional.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sooo... I have a lot to write, but I can't really be bothered.

Because I'm ill and sleepy, but here goes.
So I finished all first full week - well 3/7 haha. Took me 3.5 hours from my campus to Ben's house; would have been quicker if I got taxi/buses instead of walking, but oh well. So I spent friday night in the pub, and got dinner there, by my self I may add as Ben had already eaten. Before heading back to open my presents from him. Got me 2 cds, a Grand designs dvd and a voucher for 2 people to spend the day at a Bannatyne spa, lovely!!! As well as Cards and pressies from the rest of the Jackson clan!

Saturday was lovely, cos I spent all day on the beach, the weather was perfect, absolutely amazing considering it was October!! Collected my parcels from home, And filled col's boot up with my boxes. Didn't manage to see any family, but I didn't want to spend all weekend getting buses, so hopefully will be down again next weekend.
Went out with the girls, and met Ben and Dave out in newport, was a great evening :) Sunday was spent going to the lifeboat for lunch, had a yummy roast, and then heading to the seafront for Ben's nephew's party. I had to leave early however to go meet Kel, Freya and Dan, in Southampton for dinner, which was lovely!!!
I had a great extended birthday hehe.

This week Uni has really felt like I was learning the proper OT stuff, like the fundamentals, not just the theory but how to exercise professional thinking, and use of clinical reasoning, and things like that. But my gosh is it in depth, hard work, and intense, but it's great, and I'm loving it!!! As I have two days off a week it really enables me to get stuck in to the work, and do the extra reading.

Tuesday night I went with Katie to an information session on volunteering for Keen, which looks a great experience! As well as gaining an opportunity to help out in an area that I am familiar with, find interesting and enjoy, it gives me more 'contact time' with people, to enable me to hone my people skills more than I would be able to in the 1000 hours placement time.
Wednesday I went for dinner/drinks with the OT lot at The White Horse, in headington. Had a great night chatting with the girls! And got totally drenched walking home.

So I must go and finish my notes from this week, I'm starting to get into a routine now, which is good.


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